Please enter your details below

Please follow the following guide on how to create an API in Binance.

How to

Log in to your Binance Account and click [API Management] from the user icon

Screenshot: Click here

Enter a label (ie. Shaman Trading) for your API key and click [Create API]

Note: Ensure that you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on your account.

Screenshot: Click here

Complete the security verification with your registered 2FA devices

Note: Click on [Get Code] to receive the security verification code on your e-mail and phone.

Screenshot: Click here

Your API is now created. Enter the API Key and API Secret in the form above and click [SUBMIT]

Screenshot: Click here

Whitelist IP:

In case you are coming across any technical issue or any other complexity, do not hesitate to email us at

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After you have your TradingView username, post it in the form above.Sign-up for TradingView

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